Have you ever thought about the fact that you might have some favorite colors for your bras? Have you really taken the time to go through your bra drawer and notice how many colors your bras have or if you’re more of a monochromatic lover?
I just did this little exercise and to be honest, my bras are in its big majority, black. I have one two pink ones (one old and one new) and two old white ones. But really the ones I use on a daily basis are black.
I’m not going to lie, I kind of have some colors that I can maybe consider my favorite, like pink or blue, but when it comes to clothes and more specifically my bras, I’m sure I can say that my favorite color for clothing is black. Maybe because it was always on my mind that it makes your body look more stylized.

Even though, the black and stylized doesn’t really have any kind of connection to your bra… most of my bras are black, so it’s safe to say, that my favorite color of bras is black. Thankfully, my panties have a bit more color and so do the best women thong I might have in my drawers.

The reason
Going back, I think one of the reasons for this, is the fact that at some point, I stopped being able to get bras that actually fitted me, and the few I got to get where literally just white and didn’t look appealing for someone finishing her teens and starting her twenties. Meaning all I could find and in a very very limited way, where what we would consider old lady bras.
When you’re young you want to feel sexy and when in your country the biggest size you can get is usually a 34 C, maybe a 36 but they don’t go beyond C, you know you’re not feeling included, you won’t feel sexy and even comfortable because you’re probably going to have to get a bra that isn’t your size.
Now, in my 30s I still want to feel sexy but next to that, I want to feel comfortable too. So I do have my fair share of sexy bras, the normal everyday ones and of course, what I tend to wear a lot lately, my lovely best wireless bra. I think after the pandemic I’ve turn over being more comfortable and that’s fine too.

And yes, they are black and very comfortable to be honest. In the end, I think that you have to wear the bra color that you want, that makes you feel your best and comfortable and sexy and whatever other positive feeling you a nice comfy colorful bra makes you feel.
And if it’s a black bra or even a white one but makes you feel as amazing, sexy and comfortable as you always wanted to feel, then so be it. Usually black and white bras can be very sexy, especially the lace ones. Remember, wear what makes you feel good.